Monday 23 June 2014

Getting ready for inquiry share

Boys prepping for the share

Getting the shows ready

How will the exhibit look? Lucy and Danni deep in discussion

Technology giving Luca some grief

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Are all changes in state reversible?

We start by making our predictions and writing up our investigation

Then, using our scientist observations we conduct our experiment

Most importantly, what does it taste like?

What can I smell?

Can I hear anything?

What can I see and feel?

We are changing the bread by toasting it, using heat and this changes our bread into TOAST

Time to investigate again!!

Mia has written down all her findings! Working hard!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Our Day In The Learning Hub

Over Wednesday and Thursday, R9 went in small groups to the learning hub. Here Karin conducted some great experiments with us to help deepen our understanding of how matter changes.

Below is a video that captures our thoughts and thinking around our experiments.
Sorry it's a little bit long! 

Here is a link to the learning hub. This is where Karin puts explanations and her own photos of things that are occuring in the Hub. VERY INTERESTING!